News 2016
17. 8. 2016 Puppies of litter M were born. More informations in section Puppies.
22. 5. 2016 Puppies of litter L were born. More informations in section Puppies.
4. 2016 National show of dogs Ostrava- Berenica of Hajan Polonia
Excellent 1, CAC, CAC ČMKU, National winner 2016, BOS. More informations
in section Females.
12. 3. 2016 Puppies (boy and girl) of litter K were born. More informations in section Puppies.
1. 2016 Josefina of Bianco Olgas was died. Josefina was base of our
kennel. Pepina, we wish you good and full of happines life in heaven ...
10. 1. 2016 National show of dogs Brno- Berenica of Hajan Polonia Excellent 1, CAC. More informations in section Females.
7. 1. 2016 Ch. Ala Matylda Shadow White de Pepa was mated by Ch. Dante Diesel Dorothea ze Solné. More informations in section Puppies.